Sunday, April 1, 2012

HalfClan Kits.

Halfclan cats is when two cats, each from different clans see each other without telling their clans. Then the she-cat will have kits. For example bluefur (bluestar) kept seeing this riverclan cat. He would sit on her territory as if he were one of them. One day at a gathering he asked to see her alone. So they met and fell in love. Bluefur also was given a prohecy. She had to become leader to save her clan from thistleclaw. But if she had kits she could not become deputy. But she had three kits, mosskit, stonekit and mistykit. One day bluefur knew she had to let her kits grow up in their fathers clan (riverclan) so she took them to the father and left them. They could not be told where they were from or who their mother was. ANother queen nursed them. Bluefur came back to camp and wailed " My kits. Their gone!" pretending to sound scared. So bluefur became deputy and leader, thistleclaw died and her kits grew into warriors without knowing who she was. When her kits saw her the would think "enemy" not "mother".


  1. I'm realy enjoying your blog.

    I do have a question, what happens when seekers meet warriors? Has this ever happened?


  2. No. Seekers is juust the other books series made by erin hunter. But that would make a good article (post0 in my blog (or a book) thanks.

    1. I'd love to see a Warriors Vs Seekers blog or a short story on how they might meet and what would happen next. I can only guess what would happen but I suspect that the Seekers would be more strong physically and the Warrors would be way smarter....brains beats braun all the time :) plus, just casue your small, it doesn't make you weak.
