Saturday, April 7, 2012


Blackfoot was a loyal (ambishious) warrior of shadowclan. When the mighty leader Raggedstar was murdered, Brokenstar took his place. Brokenstar named his closest advisor deputy. But when his ally is killed by a falling tree Brokenstar names Blackfoot deputy. After Brokenstar was captured by Thunderclan, Blackfoot had kept in touch by meeting in secret. Discussing about revenge and untold secrets wasn't easy when Thunderlcan patrols had increased greatly. Brokenstar devided a plan to raid Thunderclan with allies and rogues who had followed him since he was banished from shadowclan. After the unsuccsessful attack on the victorious clan, Blackfoot buried the days as a rogue and went on with clan life. After being named deputy he became Blackstar and ruled shadowclan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yep. Blackfoot was not a first nation tribe. To me he was the thried worst leader of shadowclan. Raggedstar was the greatest leader but his own son killed him to become leader. But I think raggedstar was the best

  2. Did you know that Blackfoot is one of the First Nations tribes here in Canada? I thought that was kind of cool :)

  3. What made Blackfoot the worst leader? And what qualities do you think make a great leader of warriors or humans?

    I think these are good leader traits

    1. Unselfish
    2. Intelligent
    3. Strong
    4. Understand their own limitations
    5. Use the strengths of their clan
    6. And use a little girl power because using too much might be seen as cheating :)

    1. well he wasn't the worst of them all, but after some decisions he made his clan had to suffer for his blindness (not literally)

  4. He stopped respecting starclan because of his anger. Starclan had lied to him only to protect him. But he was so angery he put his clan in danger by telling them to disrespect starclan. Starclan showed no pity when letting twolegs move closer to the territory. So blackstars anger caused his clan to starve. Nice leader.
