Thursday, April 19, 2012
Death Berry
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Sasha, Tigerstar and their kits.
One day there was a kittypet named sasha. Her house folk were don and ken. One day don (kens wife) got very ill. Sasha did everything she could to comfort her but nothing work. Then a few days later don left and never came back. Sasha was so worried she felt like she was alone. Ken was getting ill himself. A week later some young twolegs came and took ken away (to a retirement home) but sasha was left alone. So she ran away even though someone was there to take care of her. She became a rouge and made her den close to shadowclan border. She hung her collar that don had made her on a log where she could look at it. She went back home but ken was still not there. One day she was hunting and came across a shadowclan patrol near her den. Tigerstar told his warriors she was no threat. He told her if any patrol gives her trouble to ask them for tigerstar. Weeks passed, Sasha began to meet Tigerstar at the border. Tigerstar decided he would train sasha to hunt and fight. She had hoped for this! She learnt how to hunt, fight and build shelter properly. After a moon or so, Sasha started to feel close to this brave cat. He was a hero, brave, strong and was sort of sweet. Tigerstar came to be fond of her and asked her to join shadowclan. She said she would think about it. She had followed tigerstar and a patrol into the forest that night. She over heard tigerstar wanted to take over the forest. Tigerstar had told sasha about firestar. But he told her about him in a bad way. But when she heard about tigerstars plan she knew firestar was the hero not him. So sasha ran away not knowing what she was getting herself into. Years passed and she had three kits on her own. They were tigerstars. Tadpole, Hawk and Moth. When Sasha spoke of Ken to her kits Tadpole told his sibblings that they should go find Ken and bring Sasha home. They travled to two-leg place in search of Ken, but the kits fell into a hole, tunnels led deeper into a sewage pipe. With no where else to go the kits ventered into the sewage. When they came across a opening at the top of the sewage they screamed for help. Mean while Sasha had been tracking down her kits. Her old friend Smurgal told her where he had seen them. Smurgal followed Sasha into the allies of two leg place. They came across the sewage drain and heard the tiny mewls of her kits. But one of the pipes broke and the chambre was being filled up with water. The kits would surely drown. Tadpole pushed his younger brother and sister towards the drian. Smurgal grabbed them as Sasha extend her paw out for Tadpole to grab. "Grab my paw son" she had yowled. But the water was to heavy and drowned the innocent kit. Sasha, so far from home, from Ken, from Don, from Tigerstar and from Tadpole, had no where to hide, no where to weep. Sasha took Smurgal home and dwelled in the forest for many moons. She one day came across Riverclan who helped her raise the kits. Sasha almost joined but returned to the wild. Two kits stayed. Their names Hawkfrost and Mothwing, Tigerstars kits.
Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Crookedkit became Crookedpaw, a strange "Starclan" cat named Mapleshade came to him. She offered him a great destiny, if he would make one promise. Without thinking, he agreed to the promise, but could such a simply promise, destroy his clan?
Blackfoot was a loyal (ambishious) warrior of shadowclan. When the mighty leader Raggedstar was murdered, Brokenstar took his place. Brokenstar named his closest advisor deputy. But when his ally is killed by a falling tree Brokenstar names Blackfoot deputy. After Brokenstar was captured by Thunderclan, Blackfoot had kept in touch by meeting in secret. Discussing about revenge and untold secrets wasn't easy when Thunderlcan patrols had increased greatly. Brokenstar devided a plan to raid Thunderclan with allies and rogues who had followed him since he was banished from shadowclan. After the unsuccsessful attack on the victorious clan, Blackfoot buried the days as a rogue and went on with clan life. After being named deputy he became Blackstar and ruled shadowclan.

When onestar was a warrior mudclaw was deputy. But when tallstar died his words were" Onewhisker will become your leader". Onewhisker toke a patrol to travle to moonpool with him. Angery mudclaw attack the patrol with some other warriors. Mudclaw was defeated and onewhisker became onestar leader of windclan.
The great leader of thunderclan and brave warrior, firestar was once a kittypet named rusty. Bluestar (the fromer leader) had a message from starclan: Fire alone can save our clan. Oneday wehn she saw rusty on his fence she knew that was the fire. Rusty was a flame cloured tabby. She asked him to join her clan. He became firepaw. His best friend graypaw and him trained together until they became warriors: fireheart and graystripe. Soon after when tigerclaw was banned from thunderclan, fireheart was made deputy, then leader after bluestar died by saving her clan from a pack of blood thristing dogs.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
HalfClan Kits.
Halfclan cats is when two cats, each from different clans see each other without telling their clans. Then the she-cat will have kits. For example bluefur (bluestar) kept seeing this riverclan cat. He would sit on her territory as if he were one of them. One day at a gathering he asked to see her alone. So they met and fell in love. Bluefur also was given a prohecy. She had to become leader to save her clan from thistleclaw. But if she had kits she could not become deputy. But she had three kits, mosskit, stonekit and mistykit. One day bluefur knew she had to let her kits grow up in their fathers clan (riverclan) so she took them to the father and left them. They could not be told where they were from or who their mother was. ANother queen nursed them. Bluefur came back to camp and wailed " My kits. Their gone!" pretending to sound scared. So bluefur became deputy and leader, thistleclaw died and her kits grew into warriors without knowing who she was. When her kits saw her the would think "enemy" not "mother".
Tigerstar's Kits?
Yes. Tigerstar did have kits before fireheart told the clan about his betrayel. His mate goldenflower had two kits. Bramblekit and tawnykit. Bramblekit turned into bramblepaw and tawnykit became tawnypaw. One day tawnypaw went missing after a elder insulted her about her fathers betrayle. On the same day when scourge and tigerstar told firestar they would fight them for territory brambleclaw spotted tawnypaw amoung the shadowclan warriors. " tawnypaw what are you doing come back with us " he pleaded. " no bramblepaw, you come with us " tigerstar bekond. Bramblepaw refused bravely. Ever since then firestar had never doubted his loyalty. Tawnypaw however stayed in shadowclan and was given the name tawnypelt.
Brambleclaw right.

Clan territorys
Well you see the clans had to move to a new territory one time so there are to territory maps. I will show you the latest.
The red area: Shadowclan territory
The green area: Thunderclan territory
The blue area: Riverclan territory
The purple area: Windclan territory
The yellow area: Starclan territory/moonpool
The red area: Shadowclan territory
The green area: Thunderclan territory
The blue area: Riverclan territory
The purple area: Windclan territory
The yellow area: Starclan territory/moonpool
The most evil cat. Scourge
Scourge. The leader of bloodclan once did not look so firce. He was a playful kitten. But his brother and sister always teased him about being small. One day his sister ruby said that unwanted kittens get thrown in the river. Tiny (scourge) did not know why that mattered until twolegs came to adopt them. The twoleg cub liked the other kittens not him. So one day tiny ran away into the forest. But thunderclan cats attecked him. He ran into the big towleg city and found ally cats. He had lied about deafeting a dog and taking it's tooth as a reward and sticking it in his collar. The cats then asked him to fight a dog that has been eating their food. Tiny faced the beast but did not fight. The stupid dog was scared of his shaodw and ran off. But the ally cats thought he had fought the dog. After that scourge had created bloodclan. He killed many forest cats for power. One day tigerstar came into his territory. He said he had enemys in the forest and he would give me territory if scourge helped fight them. Scourge agreed but when firestar told scourge about how not to trust tigerstar, tigerstar himself attacked scourge and scourge killed him. YES THATS RIGHT. The wound was so deep tigerstar died 9 times.
Scourge then said he would take over the forest. The battle was horrible and many cats died but in the end firestar killed scourge and the forest was safe once again.
Scourge then said he would take over the forest. The battle was horrible and many cats died but in the end firestar killed scourge and the forest was safe once again.
Ranks in a clan.
Okay so there are ranks in a clan.
So lets pretend your name is SpottedKit.
When you become a apprentice you become spottedPaw
when a warrior, the leader can choose all kinds of names like: spottedtalon. spottedleaf. spottedstorm.
Then if you were ever leader you would be given the name spottedstar
Clan leaders also have to approve of the name that is choosen for any rank.
So lets pretend your name is SpottedKit.
When you become a apprentice you become spottedPaw
when a warrior, the leader can choose all kinds of names like: spottedtalon. spottedleaf. spottedstorm.
Then if you were ever leader you would be given the name spottedstar
Clan leaders also have to approve of the name that is choosen for any rank.
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