Dark Forest is where evil, villianous cats like Tigerstar go once death is upon them. Dark Forest (Like StarClan) can visit cat's in their dreams, and are known to train young, strong cats fighting moves. Almost every cat trained by Dark Forest is suspected by their Clan-mates, due to the fact DF trains battle moves from all four clans. Meaning that the cat may attempt a move during training, and spill their cover. Dark Forest has been at war with Star Clan since the begining of the clans. Not physical battles, but wars between living cats and secret training for young apprentices. Starclan has tried to put a stop to such training, but Dark forest grows stronger when Starclan is weaker.
"A great battle is coming, ready your warriors for battle, sharpen your claws. Because by midnight, most of these cats who stand before you will be dead."-Molepelt
Everything you need to know about Warrior cats.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Silverpelt and Starclan
Silverpelt was how the cats describe the sky, the universe and the stars. Up in silverpelt where two clans, Darkforest and Starclan. When a clan cat dies it's soul goes to starclan, where it may hunt in peace for moons to come. Darkforest was introduce later in the series. This is a place where cats of the dark side, of murder and evil go. It is a place which haunts the dreams of young kits and lonely elders.
As said before, Brambleclaw is the son of Tigerstar and now leader of Thunderclan. While his apprentice life was rough, his sister (Tawnypaw) could not bare the insults and shame her clan threw at her. She fled for Shadowclan, looking for help and comfort. But Bramblepaw stayed true to his clan, and even in a time where the grass looked greener on the other side of the fence, he buckled down and fought for his mother and clan. One of my favorite moments is when Bramblepaw made the decision of which everyone knew was to come, whether to join his evil father or fight to the death for his clan and loyalty. Firestar was unsure of his decision, and when he chose to fight his father instead, you could imagine the surprise on the thunderclan leader's face. In the second series Brambleclaw was put to the test in a Journey to sun-drowned place in search of a new home. While on this journey he fell in love with Squirrelpaw, a thunderclan apprentice and the daughter of Firestar. In the later books he proved himself noble and loyal and became deputy of thunderclan.
Firepaw and Spottedleaf~Together for Ever (Spoilers)

Thursday, April 19, 2012
Death Berry
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Sasha, Tigerstar and their kits.
One day there was a kittypet named sasha. Her house folk were don and ken. One day don (kens wife) got very ill. Sasha did everything she could to comfort her but nothing work. Then a few days later don left and never came back. Sasha was so worried she felt like she was alone. Ken was getting ill himself. A week later some young twolegs came and took ken away (to a retirement home) but sasha was left alone. So she ran away even though someone was there to take care of her. She became a rouge and made her den close to shadowclan border. She hung her collar that don had made her on a log where she could look at it. She went back home but ken was still not there. One day she was hunting and came across a shadowclan patrol near her den. Tigerstar told his warriors she was no threat. He told her if any patrol gives her trouble to ask them for tigerstar. Weeks passed, Sasha began to meet Tigerstar at the border. Tigerstar decided he would train sasha to hunt and fight. She had hoped for this! She learnt how to hunt, fight and build shelter properly. After a moon or so, Sasha started to feel close to this brave cat. He was a hero, brave, strong and was sort of sweet. Tigerstar came to be fond of her and asked her to join shadowclan. She said she would think about it. She had followed tigerstar and a patrol into the forest that night. She over heard tigerstar wanted to take over the forest. Tigerstar had told sasha about firestar. But he told her about him in a bad way. But when she heard about tigerstars plan she knew firestar was the hero not him. So sasha ran away not knowing what she was getting herself into. Years passed and she had three kits on her own. They were tigerstars. Tadpole, Hawk and Moth. When Sasha spoke of Ken to her kits Tadpole told his sibblings that they should go find Ken and bring Sasha home. They travled to two-leg place in search of Ken, but the kits fell into a hole, tunnels led deeper into a sewage pipe. With no where else to go the kits ventered into the sewage. When they came across a opening at the top of the sewage they screamed for help. Mean while Sasha had been tracking down her kits. Her old friend Smurgal told her where he had seen them. Smurgal followed Sasha into the allies of two leg place. They came across the sewage drain and heard the tiny mewls of her kits. But one of the pipes broke and the chambre was being filled up with water. The kits would surely drown. Tadpole pushed his younger brother and sister towards the drian. Smurgal grabbed them as Sasha extend her paw out for Tadpole to grab. "Grab my paw son" she had yowled. But the water was to heavy and drowned the innocent kit. Sasha, so far from home, from Ken, from Don, from Tigerstar and from Tadpole, had no where to hide, no where to weep. Sasha took Smurgal home and dwelled in the forest for many moons. She one day came across Riverclan who helped her raise the kits. Sasha almost joined but returned to the wild. Two kits stayed. Their names Hawkfrost and Mothwing, Tigerstars kits.
Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Crookedkit became Crookedpaw, a strange "Starclan" cat named Mapleshade came to him. She offered him a great destiny, if he would make one promise. Without thinking, he agreed to the promise, but could such a simply promise, destroy his clan?
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