1.Defend your clan even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from different clans, but your loaylty remains with your clan, for one day you may meet them in battle.
2.do not trespass on other clan territory
3.Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have perrmission apprentices will eat only after they have hunted for the clan
4.prey is to be killed only to be eaten, thank starclan for it's life
5.a kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentcie
6.a newly apointed warrior must keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name
7.a cat cannot become deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice
8.the deputy will become clan leader after the leader has died
9.a gathering of allfour clans is held at a full moon during a truce that last for a night. There shall be now fighting between clans at this time
10.after the death or retirement of a deputy a new one must be chosen before moonhigh
11.bounderaries must be checked and marked daily. Challage any tresspassing cat
12.no warrior must neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different clan
14.an honorable warrior dose not need to kill other cats to win battles
15.a warrior reject the soft life of a kittypet
Friday, March 30, 2012
Loners, kittypets and rogues?
A loner is a cat who lives without twolegs and without a clan. They respect the clan ways and do not steal prey but on the other hand, rogues live without a clan or twolegs. They disrespect the warrioir code and they are allys with some of the most evil cats of clans like tigerstar and brokenstar. But kittypets are plump house cats that have no interest in living in the forest. They eat cat food and have never tasted freash-kill.
Most evil cats in warrior history
Well lets start with the worst one. Thistleclaw. He wanted power more then anything. He tired to become deptuy but Bluefur a thunderclan warrior was chosen instead. What made him so bad? Well he had taught his apprentice to show no pity, no careness, anything that did not make sence was ment to be killed. Thistleclaw had taught tigerpaw how to do this. After thistleclaw died it was like tigerclaw took his place. Wanting power he kill his own deputy redtail. But when bluestar picked lionheart as deputy tigerclaw as so angery. Lucky for tigerclaw, lionheart died in battle and he was picked as deputy. But tigerclaw wanted more then deputy. One day he lead some rogues into camp but made it look like he was running from them. Finnally tigerclaw slipped into bluestars den and was about to kill her until fireheart stopped him. Tigerclaw became a rogue and attack many patrols. On day he became leader of shadowclan. Brokenstar was one of the worst as well. His mother Yellowfang had fell in love with Raggedpelt deputy of shadowclan. But when starclan punished her (because she was a medicine cat. They can't have kits) by making her pregnant. Yellowfang told Raggedstar who was so pleased he didn't even try to comfort poor ol' Yellowfang. The birth was most horrible. 2 of her kits were born dead, but one. One with the face of bllod and cruetly lived. Brokenpaw became Brokentail at a early age. Brokentail then murdered his father after becoming deputy. Brokenstar forced all elders to leave camp and live on the out-skirts of thunder path. They had to hutn for themselves. Every cat was for himself. Even kits were being trained at a age to early. Most kits would be taken out for training and come back dead. Yellowfang threatend to get starclan to strip Brokenstars nine lives away. So Brokenstar took Yellowfangs mother's new-born kits out. He killed them on the spot. When he came back he told (Yellowfangs mother) Brightflower that her kits didn't come back. He sent yellowfang to go look for them. When the old medicine cat found them dead she tried her hardest to bring them back, she realy did! But they were dead. A shadowclan patrol arrived to yellowfang. They stood in horror (wouldn't you if you saw you medicine cat sitting by two dead kits with her paws covered in blood) No one trusted her anymore. Everyone blamed her for the deaths. So Brokenstar banned her forever. (Smart wasn't it? Yellowfang was a problem, so Brokenstar dealt with it. He lied/tricked his clan into believing she did it. Poor yellowfang)
What books do I read first?

1st:into the wild
2st:fire and ice
3rd:forest of secretes
4rth:rising storm
5th:a dangorous path
6th:the darkest hour
The new Propecy
1st: Midnight
The Power Of The Three

5th:long shadows
Omen Of The Stars
1st: the forgoten warrior
2st:the sign of the moon
3rd:night whispers
4rth:fading echos
5th:the fourth apprentcie
Sorry but those are all of them. The last omen of the stars book will be out soon.
Medicine cats/Herb list

Code of the Medicine Cat (In my own words)
you can not have a mate
you can not battle (Unless you are needed most on the battle field rather than healing)
your apprentcie is only to be taught medicine cat ways not warrior ways
a medicine cat apprentice choses weather not they want to be a medicince cat
you can not lie about a dream from starclan
if starclan sends you a false dream it is only because you were not meant to be a medicince cat
if you are going out side camp a warrior must be your escort (Most of the time)
you can not have kits

Herb list:
cobwebs for bleeding.
juniper berries for bellyace.
poppyseeds for easing pain.
marigold for infected wounds
Sunningdasiy for light greencough (if a cat eats sunningdaisy before they even know they have greencough, it will heal the infection).
deathberries are deadly berries that can kill a warrior.
chrevil leaf juice can be used to help clean an infected wound, and chewing the roots the help a bellyace.
burdockroot is good for rat bites
goldenrood good for any type of wound
honey is poored onto a leaf which the cat drinks out of. honey helps clear out the throat if the cat had been breating in smoke.
mouse bile Is soaked in moss and dabbed onto ticks. This instantly kills ticks.
wild garlic is good to stop infection before it happens
catmint is used for greencough
Greencough: severe chest infection
whitecough;mild infection in the chest
crowfood:rotting food that can make a cat ill
Thunder clan is known as firce and brave. Their leader Firestar was once a kittypet but joined and became leader. Thunderclans battle move is deadly. They have something called the lightingstrick. They will almost do a mid air flip and crash back down on their enemy. Their battle move is when an enmey is in their territory, they thunderclan cats wil fightthem all the way to a spot in their land where thicket bushes create a circle around the enemy. The thunderclan cats will leap out of the bushes, attack then hid in the bushes again, amking the enemy think they have won. But the cats jump out again. They call each other different names so that they confusse the attackers in think " they have brought the whole clan"! Thunderclan live in deep forest area mainly eating mice and squrriles. The predators around the land are mainly twolegs, fox, bager and other clans.
Shadowclan lives in flat lands with forest areas. Shadowclan live farther north then other clans. Elders say the air in the north chills their hearts. Shadowclan mainly eat frogs and mice, for that is mostly on their territory. They have different battle moves that are thricky and swift. When a clan is attacked by shadowclan the describe it as: " They just ambused us out of nowhere. When my warriors were weak they shadowclan warrior metled into the night back to their camp. I was terrifing at the thought of them coming back" says bluestar after the night abush.
Then there was riverclan...
Clever and strong. Riverclans first leader was named SolStar and his deputy was unknown
Riverclans territory is right beside a river full of fish. Riverclan have learned how to hunt the fish and swim. Other clans use this as a insult like: Fishfaces. I believe river clan is smart and strong for they have learned how to live around obsticals and face terrible dangers. The only predator in riverclan are twolegs. They build their nest (houses) in riverclan territory. They throw their trash in the river scaring away fish.
Clever and strong. Riverclans first leader was named SolStar and his deputy was unknown
Riverclans territory is right beside a river full of fish. Riverclan have learned how to hunt the fish and swim. Other clans use this as a insult like: Fishfaces. I believe river clan is smart and strong for they have learned how to live around obsticals and face terrible dangers. The only predator in riverclan are twolegs. They build their nest (houses) in riverclan territory. They throw their trash in the river scaring away fish.
Then one day a cat betrayed his clan and lefted to live alone as a rogue. A rogue is a loner who dose not respect the ways of the clans. He trazled on until he met other cats living with twolegs called kittypets. Together they formed a new clan. After some odd years starclan changed the three clans into four.....
The first one was WindClan Swift and loyal. Windclan lives in flat morrland territory mainly hunting rabbits.
The first one was WindClan Swift and loyal. Windclan lives in flat morrland territory mainly hunting rabbits.
The First Clans
But when the first cats were created by starclan they fought constainly and many cats died. They wanted territory and prey. One day starclan sent a message: Untie or DIE. So thus began the clans of cats. TigerClan and Lionclan. These cats were huge and powerful. Bigger then house cats.
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